No. of Branches : 0 | Total No. of Staffs : < 50
CHIDAMBARAM SHIPCARE PRIVATE LIMITED is a well established, reputed Ship Repairs, Shipbuilding and Specialized Engineering Service providing company of 38 years standing. Having been in Shipping Industry for over 3 decades we have built a tradition of total customer satisfaction and have grown from strength to strength to attain capability of not only carrying out Major Refits of Naval Ships but also building sophisticated ships for customers such as Indian Navy, Cochin Shipyard Ltd and Mazagon Dock Ltd Mumbai, at the yards’ premises, for those yards to meet their customers’ requirements as concerns delivery requirements, quality standard of work Performed at optimum cost. We have an accomplished Marine Engineer at the helm of affairs and a team of highly qualified and experienced Mechanical, Marine, Marine Technology and Electrical Engineers and Structural Fabrication and Machinery Installation specialists. We do have high skilled, expert tradesmen in the field of ship unit fabrication, erection, machinery and associated systems [piping ducting & electrical] Installation, Test, Trials and Commissioning.
Our Quality Management System has been certified since 1996 under ISO 9000 standards and we have laid down procedures to comply with the international standard for various Work Processes involved in a given project such as , determining customer requirement by contract review to establish our capability to execute the project, Design Input / Output requirement, Design & Development review, Verification and Validation, Commitment to quality, determining and provisioning Resources necessary for each stage of project, purchasing, storing, preservation of materials, machinery, product realization involving determination of processes, establishing check & control points for adherence to quality of work involving materials, provisioning of resources men , machines, tools & safety items, qualification of men, control of non-conforming products, and corrective action.
For each of the projects, we prepare Quality Assurance Plans specifying Check & Control points and quality enforcing and certification authorities etc we have enclosed a short write up on the Quality Assurance Processes / Procedures we employ in our organization in the areas of Ship Repairs / Refits, Shipbuilding and other specialized Engineering contracts.
While our Ship Repairs Activities are handled at Chennai, Mumbai and other major ports of India, our Shipbuilding Activities are presently concentrated on the West Coast.
We have 38 years of experience in providing Ship Repair services covering all ship borne Equipment including Machinery replacements, Installation of New Machinery, Alignment of various coupled machinery and the whole train of Propulsion System [Main Engines, Gear Boxes, Shafting etc].