Albion India Nidhi Ltd

Employer Logo
Albion India Nidhi Ltd
Private Sector - Private Limited Company
13A Narayanasamy layout, Bharathi colony road, Peelamedu, Coimbatore
Coimbatore - 641004

No. of Branches : 2 | Total No. of Staffs : 50 - 100

About Employer

ALBION INDIA NIDHI LIMITED is a nidhi company registered under the RBI Nidhi rules section 406 of the companies ACT 2013, (section 620A of the companies ACT 1956) and is duly approved by the GOVT of India. And Ministry of corporate affairs (MCA) Like all financial institutions, we comply with all necessary operating guidelines such as, Capital Adequacy, Statutory Liquidity Ratio and Asset Classification and Income Recognition. We offer attractive interest rates for all types of deposits. We can lend only against a security of gold, against our fixed deposits, LIC policies, government securities / bonds and property mortgage loans.

Branch Details

S.No City Address
1 Coimbatore Singanallur
2 Thiruchirappalli Trichy