No. of Branches : 0 | Total No. of Staffs : < 50
M/s. Ranba castings Limited is one of the Leading Foundry in coimbatore, Which is incorporated in 1995, it is classified as a Public Limited company and Producing Iron and Metal Casting and our Turnover 50 -100 Lacke
RANBA CASTINGS LIMITED is an Indian company incorporated on 28/02/1995 and its registered office address is 83 CP K D NAGAR,PEELAMEDU,Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu,INDIA,641004. The corporate identification number (CIN) of the company is U27310TZ1995PLC005880 and the company registration number is 005880. Based on the official records, the current age of the company is 27 Years 1 Month 20 Days years.
RANBA CASTINGS LIMITED is registered at Registrar of Companies, Coimbatore (RoC-Coimbatore) and is classified as the Indian Non-Government Company. Its authorized share capital is INR 42,500,000 and its paid up capital is INR 41,480,900. The industrial and the SIC code for RANBA CASTINGS LIMITED is 27310.
RANBA CASTINGS LIMITED's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 2015-09-29 and as per the records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 2015-03-31. The current status of this company is Active. The directors of this company are VELAPPAN RAJENDRAN NARENKUMAR and VELAPPAN RAJENDRAN. The contact details of the company are as per the official records. Please visit the contact section or the contact form below for contacting this company
RANBA CASTINGS LIMITED is a manufacturer company based on the National Industrial Classification (NIC) code of 27310 and it is involved in the business activities related to this industry code such as Casting of iron,#Casting of iron and steel#,Casting of steel,Iron casting and production of a variety of goods,Steel casting and production of a variety of goods.
The other Indian private limited and limited liability companies involved in similar business activities and industry activities as of RANBA CASTINGS LIMITED are mentioned below in the similar companies section.